Herbal Cough Syrup

Written by: Maddie Miles



Time to read 0 min


1/2 oz licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) root

1/2 oz slippery elm (Ulmus rubra) bark

1/2 oz marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) root

1/2 oz flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum)

1/3 cup honey

3 cups water


  1. Make a decoction with the licorice root by simmering 1/2 oz of the herb in 1 cup of water.
  2. Strain and cool the decoction, then add the remaining 2 cups of water to the cooled liquid.
  3. Pour this mixture over the marshmallow root, slippery elm bark, and flaxseed.
  4. Let the herbs infuse for 45-60 minutes. Infusing mucilaginous herbs in cold water helps extract the mucilage more efficiently.
  5. Once the infusion thickens, strain it carefully using a thin piece of cotton, a nut milk bag, or four layers of unbleached muslin or cheesecloth. You may need to wring out the herbs to fully extract the mucilage.
  6. After straining, add the honey or raw sugar and stir thoroughly.
  7. Bottle the mixture once it has cooled. Label it and store in a cool, dark place, ideally in the refrigerator.

This blend is great to prepare in larger quantities at the start of the winter months as it keeps well in the fridge. Feel free to double or triple the ingredients for a larger batch.